The only task of some of the young worker bees is to prepare beeswax for the production of honeycombs. In Buddhamum beeswax Series, 100% pure beeswax is used without any additives or colorants. 100% cotton wick is used in Wax Series. The color tone of your candle may differ 1-2 tones depending on climatic conditions.
Weight: 240gr.
Dimensions: Height: 6.5 cm / Diameter: 6 cm
Hope you enjoy your pineapple beeswax candle....
Buddhamum Beeswax Pineapple Candle
When storing your candle, be careful not to expose it to high temperatures. Make sure your candle is out of reach of children and pets. Never leave your burning candle. Burn your candle away from fire-sensitive objects and keep it away from flammable-explosive materials. For your safety, do not light your candle for more than 3 hours and make sure that the floor on which you light your candles is heat resistant.